We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 1

I got up a little later than I wanted, but I accomplished a lot!!
I started cleaning the kitchen right away so, I made the kids eat food bars. I didn't want to cook or make another mess. They survived with that. And, WOW! I got them out the door by 8 O'clock! Yea!! I made them walk as usual but, it was cold this morning. That's what jackets are for.

So, I finished the kitchen around 1 PM. Long morning!! ....... While I was cleaning I took a break and read my book (the ant and the Elephant). Two Chapters later, the kids (Zach and Westin) were hungry. So I made them lunch and sent them out to play. Finished the Kitchen and called Kayla with pure joy that I accomplished something. A minute later I found Westin dumping the kitchen trash out onto the floor (carpet) in the office area (next to the kitchen). I had just mopped so I put the trash can out of the way while the floor dried. So, said good-bye to Kayla and cleaned up that mess.
When I was getting a towel out of our linen closet I noticed that it was a mes too. But, not any more~ I straightened that right up! Now it's 3 O'clock. Some friends called and needed a couple of haircuts~ kids got home from school at 3:15, friends came at 4:00 and stayed til 5:20 Jason got home and in the mean time dinner was cooking on the stove. We ate @ 6:15.
We had Family Home Evening ~ set goals with the kids for Report card Grades (fun fun). But they also have a challenge to keep their rooms clean for 100 days. Now, it's getting them clean. :) Kids went to bed, I ran to the Grocery store, and Jason on conference call... I joined as everyone was saying good~bye, sorry. I got home and Jason was talking to a contact on the phone and here I am typing this long day!
Here are some before and after....it helped me get it done, knowing that I was posting my dirty house, I had to make the results happen!
Now, I can go to bed happy! :)


jkwilliams said...

nate... your awesome!

jkwilliams said...

you really are wonder woman
keep up the good work
you guys are guna own these 100 days!!!
let me know if i can help in any way!!!

Kenyon said...

Wow, GREAT JOB! You are awesome! In the midst of all your cleaning super powers dont forget to laugh and play w/ the little ones...Im sure you already do :) I have to stop and remember to do that sometimes if I feel I have been to task oriented. I am so loving this idea you guys had. I love you Natalie, you are a wonderful person and I KNOW you will achieve whatever you set your mind to. Im so happy I get to watch it all happen.