We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Never Give Up!!

I started this 100 day run to keep my goals alive! It helps me stay focus on my families future. There are trials and triumph all at the same time at times, but Never Give Up on your Dreams!! Jason and I have so much to offer to our society, friends and most of all, our family. We know Heavenly Father has a plan for us and we strive to do better each and every day. Having these goals keeps us motivated in life and active in our doings. We meet new friends almost everyday and help someone somehow somewhere every day too. Our ultimate goals are spiritual, which go hand in hand with what we are willing to learn physically. We know we are far from perfect, but it doesn't hurt to dream of a perfect life or strive to do so. I had a great time doing these last 100 days, with frustration, I didn't even finish it out.... learning not to give up is a challenge in its self. Although the pictures I post are fun and entertaining for physical dreams, I must say My family is my ultimate desire. Financial goals was the main reason for this blog, and it still is. My full desire is: m-f being active in my children's school and charities. Sat., playing with my friends and family. Sun., Keeping the day for the sabbath. All with my financial means accomplished without having to go to work ( my husband having to go to work.) Of course it will take work and effort to get there, but why not retire sooner than later? Never Give Up! I have seen it be done! I know it can be done! Keep reaching until it's accomplished! There will be days that you will fall and scrape your knees, Get Up! Put a band-aide on and get going! I hope you have a dream and desire to reach for, your dreams will be different than mine, it's your dream. Set your goals step by step.

My update since my last entry would be; we are closer than ever!! We have added a lot of new friends to our team and we are on our way to our Dreams come true!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!! Some people just see our struggles on the out side, but don't realise what's going on "behind the scene". I've learned that when your mindset is different than someone Else's it's hard for them to understand or see things the way you do. I mean how do inventor's gain the faith of someone else about their inventions before they were made? Go For It!!!! The economy is struggling, but how are you struggling? Is it with a smile or frustration and guilt? Our trials are what you make them. Unexpected things come our way, but it's how you handle it that makes every bit of the difference. I love each and everyone of you! I know you can make the difference in your life. You have a great heart and desire to be discovered. Write out your dream and a map to get there! Love ya! ~ Natalie

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The END of this RUN!!!

Okay, so much has changed! Our business changed ... we just had to set back on our goals as we adjust to these new changes.... I really do love my family and friends, there is no going back to our old life .... our Television has been limited to Saturdays...if we have time. My decision to stay with cable was because of Disney and Nickelodeon. I hate T.V.!! Maybe we will just stick to DVDs! or better...Books!! I know I am not the only one realizing what our media does to our minds, especially our children's! I will stop now before I get frustrated and depressed over unnecessary things.
So, The END of this RUN, yes we are planning another one.... !!! There's no end in achieving goals! So keep in touch.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 63

I'll reflect on the last week..... I had some moments and decided to relax...I'm doing much better now and want to accomplish so much. The last week I have been focusing on myself and I really want to start focusing on my family and our future. So, Jason and I are reading The Five Love Languages and discussing them with one another. We are getting more excited about our family's future and where the business is taking us. I asked to be releases from my church calling, but they added a helper instead, so I teach every other week now; and Jason just recieved a new calling... making him a little busier involved with the youngmen. March is a busy Birthday month with family and friends.... My boys started baseball season and Amber is looking into Tennis. I still have goals to start a mom support group for moms that have lost a child(ren). I really want to write a book and be an informative speaker for doctors and moms alike. I want to team up with march of dimes as well. So, I have been keeping a note book and writing things as I think of something that contributes to that idea.

last Saturday was awesome!! The seminar with the Grangers, Jef and Barb, were such a hit!! They were so informative and brought our dreams back to life! Jason really loves what the business is doing for him and knows how important it is to be home to be with the family. With our strong desire and wanting that goal, I know that we can accomplish our dreams. We have a future no matter what...what our future is going to be is up to us!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 51

Today is not a bad day, we just have a houseful of head colds and such.... I still took the little ones to the park and actually played on the playground with them and ran around the field with them. We played follow the leader and we had a great time. I got Zach off to school after cleaning him up twice from playing in the mud he created while turning on the water outback. As I was getting settled down to one child, Jason came home sick from work and went to bed. (poor guy). I was then able to relax for awhile and Westin fell asleep too. I was able to read my book that Jason and I decided would help with some financial goal planning.
It really is a good book, I am on chapter four already and it is helping me read my scriptures at the same time.
Well, the kids came home from school and they all did their homework with ease. I want it to be like that everyday.
I went to the Open and enjoyed seeing everyone. Rob did a wonderful job, as usual. I went home a little early due to a head cold.
You know, after a full day, I'd have to say that I learned from my book the most. Psalm 24:1 is the scripture for me to memorize. Basically saying the all things are God's and no one Else's.
We are just stewards of what he has given us and we will be judged by how we manage these things. I realized the strategy is to become a good student and then put the principles to action.
Following what Heavenly Father has commanded us................

Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 50

Where did the time go!? I think we have learned so much in the past 50 days, now it's time to show the world our knowledge! For family Home Evening we talked about "concerns" and what we could do better. I asked each person what concerns they had.... well, it all came down to being better at giving appreciation to others and our things. One of my concerns was our home not staying clean for more than a half an hour. We discussed how we can show appreciation for the hard work we all do around the house by maintaining it. (sound like a new concept?) Well, it's good to talk about things we could do better with. We have decided to say something nice to each other everyday and go to bed HAPPY. Our conversation included a calendar of events to help organize our time. We all know Jason is working hard, Corey and Keith are in baseball season along with homework and Scouts, and Amber is looking to do something that will entertain her. It was a great day.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 46

Today I was able to mail off some materials to someone we met on the flight home. He was an awesome contact, I think he will really enjoy what we have to offer. I didn't get much done around the house, Zachary had a great day at school, Corey had a couple of struggling days at school, Amber had a field trip to a play (which she thought was boring~ Peter and The Wolf), Westin and Zach broke the glass table the was in the back yard, BUT it wasn't a bad day.... I did get frustrated and wished that I worked instead of being a "mom" at one point but, talking to my wonderful hubby, I realized that I am just reading the wrong book right now. I need one on parent/children relationships. :0 So, right now I am feeling better..... Jason and I also decided that it boils down to "MONEY", go figure!! I think we just kicked up a notch on running this 100 day run...time is ticking!!!!!!!! I keep getting new ideas and oh, how frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just want to jump into them!! I write them down and they will happen!!
Well, goodnight!! Tomorrow IS another day!! Tomorrow will be a successful day!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 45

Wednesday!! I am sooo tired!! I don't know why. Well, I made myself get dress at 11:00 and I took Zach and Westin to Peter Piper Pizza to let them play and enjoy pizza! I just relaxed and watched them. They are at a fun age for the arcade because they just think they are playing when it's the demo. Westin tried to crawl behind the window of the Skee Ball game, I am lucky that he listened to me to get out. ;-
We went home afterwards and cleaned house....then the big kids came home and we got busy...
Corey had baseball practice @ 4 and Keith @ 5. Amber was a big help and watched the babies...
When that was done, Jason was already out the door for the night and I made dinner (teriyaki chicken and rice)and put the kids to bed. I'm going to bed because I am exhausted!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 44

Well, today I started very tired and not wanting to do anything....to....getting myself out of that mode!! I got Zach of to school at noon and straightened the house. Then I took Westin out to the store for groceries and came home to a house of hungry children who just got home from school. All of a sudden my day was going fast. When Jason got home, he did some work on the computer so, I took the kids to the park and we played until sun down! We walked back home and had dinner (Lasagna)...mmmm..... Jason went to the Open and I tried to settle energized children. :) All was great. ~ goodnight

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 43...Can You Believe It!!

Wow!! What a trip! St. Louis was phenomenal!! The flight and stay went smooth and The Millennium Hotel was beautiful (above Top photo) and the speakers were inspirational. I really enjoyed learning about personalities more D/I/S/C was easier for me to remember what each one represented. Classifying categories are easier for an"I" personality for sure! :) The Martins are an amazing family and they accomplished greatness! We will be up there soon!! So, this is how I felt the whole trip, so excited and jumping from one topic to another. :) We have some major goals ahead of us and an outline to reach them, now we have to start running ... remember to get the appropriate rest while doing so. I don't think it's easy to talk to someone when you are tired or even look tired. They would probably think you are nuts! So, just like a real runner, we still need to get rest. I know that I learned a lot of things, I think my biggest challenge is excepting the growth and loving everyone for who they are. I do pretty good with a couple of personalities but I tend to bump heads with the other ones. I think I have a lot of work to do on myself. :) Fun Fun!! Let's throw a party for our future!! I am an "I" and I love my "S". He is sincere and supportive with a "C" on the side that helps me stay cautious when I need it.

We are on our way to 100 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Will be Round Table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 38

Today was fabulous!! I did my running around for the trip and scout things etc... I got the car washed and even attended a meeting for Corey's baseball team that starts on Monday. I'm still doing laundry and cleaning house....you know how that goes before a trip... I didn't work out today, I will tomorow for sure. That is the only time I get to myself and I'll need that tomorow!
I'm getting ready for bed and reading time so I thought that I would Blog early. We recieved our system today so I am looking forward to listening to our Cd's. Yea!!!
Well, have a good night~N.W.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 37

Well, I woke up with intensions to stick to my "ToDo List", but I already missed the first three items by waking up late... So I decided that I was going to do things different. We had a great morning, I made a good breakfast and got everyone out the door... I decided to go on a walk instead of the Gym. I had a movie to return to walgreens(redbox) so that's where we walked to first, then we went down Thomas Rd from power to Recker and went to a park more North on Recker. It has a "mery go round" and Zach and Westin loved it! No body was on the playground and there were a few elderly walking their dogs, what a beautiful day it was. So on the way home it was more muscle work due to the continuous incline since going to the park was all down hill. That made my day!! So I got home in time to make lunch and get Zach off to school. Westin didn't want to take a nap so, I ended up building a fort in his room and played with him all afternoon! We even made little ramps to ramp his "hotwheels". He just kept on asking me to play with him and we had a good time. He finally went down for a nap at 2:30 just in time for the older kids to get home from school and do homework and I decided to get dinner (tacos) done early today in time for Jason when he got home from work. I did manage to squeeze in some house work. Well, I am going to go read and go to bed early.. I have a lot I have to accomplish tomorrow... I have to get Corey's scout things together for his camp out this weekend too.
I know that Jason has been working hard and trying to improve continueously. We feel like we are playing tag or rather split roles just trying to keep things rolling this week. I sure love the guy! He definately has a focus goal and I admire everything he does for his family and myself.Well, til tomorrow~ Goodnight!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 36

I know...I'll have to do a video later....I am usually doing this when Jason isn't home (my expert) and the kids are awake and noisy! Love ya though!

Today was a fun day...the kids were out of school for the holiday and we went to the train park in Scottsdale with my cousin and her kids. We played for most of the day and then I took Corey to his friends house and talked to his friends mom...I share our business idea and I want to get with her again after this wekend. She is taking care of Corey for us while we are gone... her son and Corey are in scouts together and they have a camp out this weekend, so he's not going to miss -out....Yea! Amber has a Daddy and Daughter dance this weekend too, but Grandpa will go with her. He will have fun...it's a Luau!! hula hula!!
....I am excited about this weekend, there is going to be so much information it's crazy! I am hoping to finish my book before we leave...... Well, as I type right now I am trying to stay positive! We had chinese for diner and Westin just took a bowl of rice and threw it at Zachary on the couch~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He better have a kid just like him when he grows up! I could really use that book after I clean this...:):):) ~ Goodnight!
Jason is lucky that he's not here right now! :p

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 34

Today we spent the day with the kids! Jason did work on the computer for a while, we learned about "MonaVie", we don't know what to think just yet. We aren't being negative but we have questions that I am sure get answered just fine.......then we went to the park for lunch to have fun, but the kids wanted to leaved because they were cold. And we decided to drop in on Justin and Kayla to return their wlkie talkie. We had a nice visit, we are all curious about the new product and anxious to learn more... Then we headed home and Jason and I had a dinner date with some ward members. That was a lot of fun, it was a get to know each other kind of dinner date. We met a engineer, a plastic face surgeon, and a building Contractor. Along with moms and a mom to be. We had a great time, but we missed out on the meeting at the ranch. You'll have to fill us in! ~ Good night!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 33

Today was a normal busy day... I don't know what I would do if I never had to CLEAN! Well, I can't even think about that right now...too much to do...:) I found ketchup squirted into my jar of sugar!~"WESTIN!"~ why is he obsessive with my kitchen knives? ...I won't tell you where I found them....:o ... It was time to stop everything and do nothing! I rearranged Zach and Westin's room and played legos and read books. They helped and we enjoyed it....(that was the best way to clean all the cereal they dumped ALL over their room. (...well, "Westin dumped"...) Zachary is so innocent. :) (he just helps). I did my normal evening routine and Jason took over the computer again tonight.... ~ goodnight

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 32

Happy Valentine"s!!!! I put a valentine card on the miror for Jason, SWAK! .... I Got the kids off to school and went to the GYM!! (Missed you Kenyon & Kayla! I like your gym better anyway!) :) I really had a great workout! Then I did some one on one time with Zach and Westin... until Zach headed off to school and Westin took a nap while I cleaned. Jason sent me some beautiful Flowers (2 Doz. Multi colored Roses) aahhhhhh.....
I savored the minute... Westin woke up and back to busy I was!
Kids came home and shared their candy...Yum! Jason and I bought Steak and a crab! The kids really enjoyed the crab... we had a great dinner and enjoyed a movie with the kids (GamePlan)....cute show... Goodnight~

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 31

Here's a breif... I spent the day at my mom's coloring her hair and hanging out. When I got home it was time for scouts and achievement days for my two older children and a busy night ... Jason was on the computer since he got home so, I tended to the children mostly. Good night~

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 30

So, I attempted to video myself, I videoed and then I redid it beccause of the lighting, but the second time I forgot to take it out of picture mode...so here's the picture! :)

I got my hair color weaved today and spent some time with my mom. When I got home, I did some cleaning and made dinner while Jason helped Corey with his homework. The battle of staying on task is a challenge in itself, yet we are constantly reminding our children to stay on task. I recieved a phone call today from Keith's teacher about him not doing anything on his classroom work. She wanted me to talk to him, hoping it would help. What was I going to say... I was upset!? So, ..."Keith, how is your day?" ("fine") "Good, do you need help with your school work?" ("no")"Okay, can you listen to your teacher and have a great day?"(yes, love you mom.")

"I love you too, have a great day and I'll see you when you get home from school and we will hang out, Okay?("Okay,love you, bye.")"Bye"

I hoped that helped the teacher....I know it helped Keith. I actually enjoyed the incident. I felt like I was really there for him and I am glad that his teacher called me instead of sending me a note after school about a bad day. I really like her, she works with the children on a great level. So, while I made dinner, while Jason helped Corey with his homework, the two little boys were outside playing on the BBQ grill getting all black. I cleaned them up and started to get ready for the Open. Diner was done, I was ready, and the kids were wired AWAKE! I decided to just stay home because I knew Corey was getting tired and the two little boys weren't. Jason was off....to the Open. I ran a movie back to the rental "REDBOX" machine.(Monday nights are free nights) and when I got home I had the older thre go to bed (7:45 pm). And I layed down with Zach and Westin....they didn't fall asleep until 11:00. they just laid there in bed with me. I read books and watched a movie with them (the GamePlan) . It was a cute show with "THE Rock".

When they did fall asleep I was tired...but that is when I attempted my video... then went to bed. Jason was just getting home.... that was my day!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 27/29

Saturday was eventful...did food basket@ 6AM, Corey had baseball tryouts @ 1pm, Jason registared his dad, I registared my parents, and the seminar was awesome!!

Today I went to a hair coloring class and got certified with the Pravana color line. I am really excited about that too...it's an amazing color line. I already liked it but, now I understand the "personality" of the product. So, far this is the best product line that I have ever worked with. I am color certified with wella as well, but I feel that the Wella is more damaging. Pravana has an awesome color extractor product, so you could basically erase and start over without damaging the hair. It's amazing. And it's just takes a few minutes! I really am excited... I always have loved doing hair, so it's nice to get back into the grove again and now I have total confidence with that line of products. I keep updating my hair blog and I want to start posting hair products as well.

Anyway, I got home in time to order dinner(pizza night). I did a short lesson for family home evening and we rented a movie (underdog). Monday nights is free rental night from "redbox" (walgreens and various places.) It was fun.... Jason did some work on the computer since he came home until 2 am... I finally get to post...:)

Amber decided to tell me that she needed to take something to school tomorrow as she was going to bed...thanks Amber! So, I had to run to Wal-Mart and grab the "cherries" for her classroom icecream sundae party for Valentines day...she insisted that it was due to school by tomorrow!

Overall, it was a great day!! I won't be able to get to the gym until Wednesday.... but that's okay. I just have a few busy mornings this week...
I did manage to read my book ... I decided to read "achieving authentic success" by Dr. Ron Jensen.


Friday, February 8, 2008

Day 26

Today was a good lazy day!! I had a solid day home and accomplished nothing! Well, I actually designed my hair web site .... Yes, that is my new little instant redirect button! ( I designed that too!) I told Jason that I would love to take a web designing class.... I would probably spend less time trying to figure things out if I already knew them. I am having fun though. I am excited about the direction the business is taking us... I can't believe how fast the word is speading about TEAM. I wanted to talk with my cousin because she knew some people in another MLM, well I found out that her other cousin had the same idea... So, I realized that we are walking so close to other peoples heels that we are almost stepping on them!! WOW! I just want to jump in front of them!! And bring them to a hault!!! (You know what I mean?) it's pretty late and I have to get up early for FOODBASKET.
So, good~night!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 25

Today I finally accomplished some house work...good thing that I didn't have any guest coming over! Well......maybe I should have had guest and I would've cleaned more! :) LOL
I listened to a cd and read some of my book. I chose to read "success with people" by: Cavett Robert (book #3). it wasn't a bad day today... I talked to my cousin and she wants to go Sat. to the seminar...she has to try to clear her schedule. I am excited about that. Her family has a lot of names!! Well tomorrow I will be working around the house and getting my Hair web site up and going...
Good night~

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day 24

Today was perfect!! (In my mind : I grew 50 people deep, my kids homework was finished in timely manner, My house is spotless, everyone was only positive today, we played at the park and came home to a cooked meal by our personal chef. And we went to bed without being exhausted._
Reality is: I woke up rushing around the house to get everyone ready and out the door...I took the two little ones over to my moms for the day, I went with Corey on a field trip to Halle Heart Center. That was a fun little place; there was a lot of information about keeping a healthy heart and a lot of physical activities. I got to visit all my kids at school and talk to Corey's teacher about getting him caught up in what he is behind in. It's looking good. We went to Walgreens after school and picked out some treats for fun. :) I picked up the little ones and made it home to straighten up and do homework and get Corey off to Scouts. We didn't have dinner until 8:30. I didn't do anything towards the business :( I'm glad that I don't video my self....I would just be silly... Tomorrow is another day...I will get more accomplished and strategizing...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 23

Today went fast for some reason, and I didn't get much accomplished. I ran some errands and all of the kids went to school today....Yea!!!! I cut my dads hair, made dinner, got ready and went to the open. It was an Okay night, Jason was a little down.....He wanted to at least have 1 sign up by now..............................................................
Well, you get the idea. Have a good night!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 22

Well these last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster!! I kept all three older kids home from school today, they have been battling sore throats and I didn't want them to get worse. And I am glad I did because the weather was cold and wet! I still got a lot accomplished. I e-mailed 60 people and ran a few errands while Corey babysat. Also, I was able to tackle the Office area. I rearranged a little so that I can set up my Hair Station. I am looking forward to doing hair more actively again. I am taking some fun trendy hair classes and I am getting certified doing hair extensions. I also want to get certified in eyelash extensions. I am creating a Hair blog and getting business cards... so it will be exciting again.
I am going to read my book and actually get some sleep tonight!!

Above: After, Below: Before :)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 20

Well, I got up at 5:00 and went to the Temple with Jason. We were tired but, we absolutely loved doing our work for the lord. We feel that we have been blessed with many things in our lives. We saw a few people from our old ward and it was nice to have a brief visit with them.

Corey's birthday party went really good and everyone had a fun time. I still can't believe how time goes when your first born ages you. :) He is such a fun loving bot and has a lot to offer his peers. I love hearing from our neighbors how thankful they were when Corey saw the need to help them. He helped a girl that fell down last week..... When our next door neighbor was pregnant and taking out the trash barrel to the street, Corey told her that she shouldn't do that while she was pregnant and took the barrel for her. He even offered to mow her lawn. He strugles with school academiccs from time to time, he just likes the fun hands on stuff. ;) But his teacher always gives him positive notes and always tells me that I have a very polite son. Yes, he is still a boy that loves the outdoors and playing video games, and gets up set from time to time as well. What can I say?

Happy Birthday Corey!!

I didn't get mucch rest today~ but it was a great day. We met with Rob and Justin for some PDCA and contacting information. That went great... then we went out with Justin and Kayla for some video gaming at a gaming store~ Fun Fun, not long enough! :)
Then we headed over to R N R for a house plan for Peter G. group that Rob presented and met some fun people. (Waymon and Irene).
Now we are home and time for bed!! We have 8 AM church. And it's Fast Sunday!!
~Good night~

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 19

Kayla, My Caffeine Patch Is Running Low.... ; o p

I had a busy day!! I was up last night with Westin and then I couldn't go back to sleep~ Crazy!! I had two hours of sleep and I'm still going for a few more minutes! I met with my "financial counselor" today and she helped me more than she may realize...:) TY..... I have a lot of goals to hit in that area. (Don't we all !?) Well, things are definitely looking brighter though. I listened to a Cd and I'm done with my book!
Also, I have been planning Corey's 11th birthday party for tomorrow. I can't believe I have a child that age! He went to his first "Body Changing" class yesterday and we had a brief talk. He was shy and embarrass, but all they really talk about was personal hygiene. Now I don’t know if I am ready for this pre-teen thing yet. Well, “wake up because it’s coming and it ain’t stoppin!” I kept saying that to myself these last two days.
I have been up way too long and I can’t even think right now. I have to get up at 5:00 to go on a date with Jason to the Temple and then get things ready for Corey~ another busy day.
Well, Good-night and Sleep Tight!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 18

We are on our way to financial freedom!!
So, I've been reaching towards my goals (my arms are still too short), but I still have a lot of work to do. Thank goodness it's not a 20 day run.... imagine that.
Today I listened to a cd, went to the gym (w/ Kayla and Kenyon), ran errands, took Zachary to school, and went home. Westin fell asleep before I got home so, I had time to do some research on the computer, I found some interesting things about mystery shopping. Sounds like fun to me. I'm still looking for interactive ways to meet people for business approach. It has been fun finding different methods.
I didn't get much accomplished at home as far as cleaning goes, I have a lot to do tomorow now. This is my last night on my second book. YEA :) :) :) :) I'll pick out a bigger book next round. :) That's it~ Goodnight!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 17

Well, I'm posting early tonight. I e-mailed another 50 people today and basically repeated yesterday. Jason is off to a group meeting to do some contacting, I am reading and learning about “A Positive Attitude Gets Results", I actually love to read, I just wish I had more Quiet time to do so. So, when I read, I am having the little ones pick out a book for me to read to them (usually around their nap time) then they fall asleep and I get my reading in. So far it's been Okay. I have a harder time getting my Cd's in... But I enjoy them when I do.

I have also been finding some great answers from the scriptures. I've realized that when someone talks about the scriptures that I FEEL "weird" inside, I realized that it's because I do not have the knowledge that I want to have of the scriptures. I told Justin Williams in a comment that I left on his post: D&C 38:30 "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear." Then I learned that you have to train yourself to make a contribution to the society in which you will live. There is an essence of the divine in the improvement of the mind. There is so much I could say, I know that I like to type words rather than record on a video, because I have fear of hearing and seeing myself. You might just laugh at that, but I'm not secure in that way yet. Just like I have stage fright, who doesn't. Well, I guess I have fears to conquer.

It's funny how people "evolve" around money. Some say it's evil. I think I am learning a whole lot of lessons right now, how could it be evil? Look at everything we have learned in life just trying to be successful. We are learning to be successful with society and many other things as we strive to be financially free. Free from not being able to help others in our society the way we want to. Also, "money" doesn’t have a conscience. ~Duh~ LOL Actually in the scriptures it states,"For the LOVE of Money Is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 6:10; I'm glad I'm not obsessed with money. LOL :) Just with freedom to do good things for others including my family.

I guess I'm just saying that I am amazed at what I've learned being involved with this business and applying the system. And Jason is probably saying 'finally!' J/K
He would never do that, it's not his "personality”. ;)
Well, more tomorrow and for a while, we have a lot to do~~

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 16

Today has been a little better, Amber stayed home from school again and we are still feeling icky, but I was still able to accomplish some things. I'm reading my book, I sent out 50 e-mails, tackled some laundry and house cleaning(not as much as I would like to though). I bought a juicer so I can juice all of my lemons and grapefruit. I haven't really had much of an appetite so, I have been drinking the Cleanse drink, it feels good on my throat. I still eat when I do feel hungry though. I haven't gained anything back so far. I can't wait to get back to the gym. If Westin is doing better tomorrow then I will go.
I am really excited about the business growing... as I read, I am learning more about the success end of it. I have always had an idea of what I want but, not a clear "how it works". I mean I know that there has been an effort of contacting and sharing the idea, but I always referred them to my husband. I want to be in the "know" and understand the ins and outs. I just know that the more I know , the more confident I will be. Same thing when someone tries to ask a question about the church and I don't have an answer. "I hate that!" Jason and I were just discussing that the other day. It is true. I have used these quotes from Pres. Hinckley lately because I think he was a great leader. Now it is a "Legacy" he left behind. We will always know what he did for us and the world. I ask myself," would I be ready for such a calling?" "NO!" Why? because I haven't prepared myself for that. He taught that leaders aren't "BORN", "We are developed, trained, polished, refined, blessed as we serve in the great capacities to which we have been called. There is no mean or small or unimportant responsibility in the work of the Lord." After reading that , it made me reflect on my calling in the church... Am I preparing for each Sunday like I should? I would have to honestly say "no". I tend to cram it in at the last minute. I'm suppose to be helping my six year old class become little leaders and I haven't even been doing it right. And it IS on my goal list here to the right. I will say that I will do better on that starting now! How am I suppose to ask for all these things I desire, if I don't do the things that the Lord desires?
Well, there it is, I am a spiritual being. I do love my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. I just need these reminders to keep the Lords work in check as I accomplish my goals, and he will bless me with these things I desire.
I love the friendships that I have developed in this business and I feel we are where we need to be. We just never know what "tomorrow" holds.

I accomplished a few things today and it wasn't bad after all. Good night.
With sincerity, Natalie

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 15

My Goodness!! O'kay, this is where I get frustrated. I have plans this week to do some contacting and take my little ones along. But Westin has been sick and Amber stayed home today with a sore throat. ( What good did that do? She just played all day.) And I'm getting what ever Westin has... Sore throat and stuffy nose.
Well, I managed to read my book more and it's an excellent book. I've just been home and straightening up as the day goes.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day 13

Saturday already!! Well, today was busy..we got the rest of our things from storage since our house fire. Now it can sit in our garage until we go through it.LOL
We signed the boys up for baseball and they are really excited. We missed out last year, so this will be good for them. Then we went over to Jason's parents and helped them reorginize thier garage~ they do it about once a year. I picked a lot of pink grapefruit and can't wait to dig in!! Then we came home and Jason made a yummy stir-fry for dinner and the litle ones were falling asleep @ 4:00. Jason recieved a response to an e-mail by phone and it turned out pretty good. We were invited to go out to look at houses and dream build, but we were all pretty exhausted. Westin ended up with pink eye and a yucky nose. Now I'm starting to feel like him. Tomorrow I'll miss church, I just can't have him go to nursery like that. And it's my DaDs birthday tomorrow...we might make it to his house for his birthday.I read some book, but not as much as I wanted. I know it's a small easy read, but when I think I have a good time picked out to read, something seems to happen. My goal is to be done this next week with it, not bad.Well~ Good night!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Day 12

I was exhausted today!! This week has been busy and today I was able to be HOME! Corey fell asleep last night without finishing his homework so I made him do it this morning until he was done. I took him to school late around 10 O'clock. He wasn't happy about that. He wanted to skip school. Jason took Amber and Keith so that they wouldn't be late. ~ Thank you Jas!
I really wanted to go to the gym but, Westin has a nasty cold and sore bum, I know the gym rules too. I exercised at home though. I found out that I can't do more than 45 push-ups right now, I'll be working on that. :)
I was able to book a few appointments for Jason and I continue to look for ways to contact people. I think the Internet has opened up a lot of windows of opportunities for contacting, it's amazing. I didn't get my Cd's in, I am reading though. Along with the LLR book I'm reading "Positive Impact". It's an easy read, my goal is to be done by Sunday. Well, that's my day~
~ good night!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 11

Zachary started school today!! He was really excited! When the bus got to our house he grad his backpack and ran out the door....Westin started crying and ran into his room...came out with his backpack and got on the bus too. It was a challenge to get him off, so I told him we would follow the bus to Zachy's school. That is when I took this picture... Zachary getting off the bus at his school.

He fell asleep on the way home...so cute!

Well, today was eventful...not enough time in the day. I sent out 40 e-mails and listened to 2 Cd's. I started reading the LLR book (from where I left off when I started it a couple of months ago). Tomorrow I can get back on track with my schedule... I need to workout for 4 1/2 hours to make up what I missed...maybe I'll do the gym and the park...want to come?!

I felt a little stressed until our ward missionaries came over to share a message about the atonement. I know my Savior suffered great pain for me and I need to remember that I am here to learn and teach. I need to be knowledgeable in the things I want to share with others... so my two books for this month are...The Book of Mormon and LLR. These to areas are what will help me get through this challenge and accomplish our goals. It turned out to be a beautiful day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day 10

Okay, I had a full day of driving around downtown Phoenix! I was able to get the papers I needed to finish Zachary's registration for school. Now he's all set. I listened to two Cd's while I was driving around so, that kept me more positive. I invited my cousins, Dave and Sherolyn, to the Feb. seminar. I got home @ 2 O'clock and the older kids got home @ 2:35, it was a busy home today~ Corey had scouts, Amber had achievements days, and they all had homework. I made dinner and off to bed they went. I FINISHED my book!!! " Life should be a fulfilling journey, not just a struggle to survive." Write down your dream, use your five senses to describe your DREAM and WHY. " Being committed to a task means, in effect, being committed to the process of commitment."

~ GoodNight

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 9

Yea!! I accomplished listening to a CD, reading my book, attending the Open, and getting things ready for Zachary's school. He was suppose to start today but, I didn't have all of the papers I needed for registration.

The Open was great and I enjoyed visiting with Kayla and Helen. I saw some new faces and that 's exciting. Joe brought a prospect as well. So, we will be working on getting him registered too.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 8

I didn't get much accomplished today as far as my goals go. Westin has been running a fever all day, he's getting his "big" teeth (back molars). Zachary starts school tomorrow and I'm trying to find his birth certificate and shot records, we still have our files in storage and some are here, so it's been fun looking for them. Of course I found everyone else's. I plan on finishing my book tonight, it's such a great book and it really helps put the perspective on achieving your dreams.
~that's it for today, good-night!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day 6

Saturday, it's a little more challenging for me on the weekends to focus business, but I got my cd and book in ! I didn't do hardly any cleaning today, we went to a birthday party with a lot of team members and friends~ the party was for three of the team members children. Fun fun, the kids had a great time. Jason went with Justin and Justus to a car show in scottsdale. I went home with the kids and made spaghetti for dinner. I prepared my Sunday lesson and made cookies for my class at church. It was great to see everyone today. It was a good day.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 5

What an Awesome DAY!

Usual morning... fed kids and Jason, family prayer, and off to work and school. I got ready for the day and Zach & Westin actually played while I was doing so. I took them to my Mom's house so that I could go to a meeting at the pre-school Zachary will be going to. I met his teacher and we discussed the game plan for his speech therapy. I am really excited for him and he has been non-stop talking about going to school. He starts on Tues. (I'm happy/sad, you know what I mean) On Thursday he will start riding a small bus, he's really excited about that. When I drove school buses I would stop at my moms house in between routes and let him and Westin on the bus. (my mom watched them when I was working.) So he really is excited. He like to sing "The Wheels on the Bus...". I listened to a CD whenever I was in my car today.
So, I visited with my mom and then went home, she kept the two little ones. It was 2 O'clock when I got home so, I read my book and got ready for the Open House at Rock'n R Ranch w/ Manase Fotu. The kids got home, did some light chores, Jason got home and changed his clothes, and we were off to my mom and dads house. We ate dinner with them and talked to my mom about the website and left her a sign-up form.:) We were off to the Open House and it was phenomenal!! We enjoyed talking to Menase and all of our friends. We left, picked up the kids, and got home around 2 A.M. I went to bed while Jason stayed up until 4 A.M.
No Gym today, but I accomplished three visits this week!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 4~"Please fast forward!!!!!!!!!"

I was feeling negative last night so I didn't type , ...Well, I really wanted to organize the office in the evening, but my two little ones had other plans for me. They flooded the toilet (a few times) and it ran into the family room and bedrooms. I wish I had all tile! My dad came to the rescue with an extractor.

My day started on the right foot though. I did my usual morning routine and then met up with Kayla and Kenyon at the gym. Great work out!! I did the BIG stair climbing machine for Ten Min. on level 9 and WOW! OUCH! I burned 110 calories in Ten min~ I'll probably add that machine to my favorite list just for that. I did the treadmill for 30 mins.~ 1.75 miles and worked on my abs with a couple quick arms in there. I ran into an old friend from high school and was able to get his phone # and e-mail. He's an Airline Pilot for United and he seems to enjoy that~ I need to call him up about the business. I just needed to break the ice, I'm excited about it though. He knows a lot of people... I listened to a cd on the way home.

When I got home I got the two little ones lunch and got them down for a nap. I was able to read my book. and I straightened up the kitchen from lunch and started preparing dinner. @ 3:15 Corey, Amber, and Keith got home from a great day at school. I helped Corey pack a back pack for a 4-5 mile hike and he was of @ 4:00. Amber helped with chores and Keith struggled with his...he had the bathroom until the little ones took over. Jason got home (5:15) not feeling well and frustrated about the day and his 5 day goal. He laid on the couch and then got on the computer. That is when we "noticed" the flooded hallway and bathroom. We threw some towels on it and left it! I finished dinner (sweet and sour meatballs) mmmmmm. I ate it too! I'll have to start my cleanse tomorrow... too frustrated right now.I had to sneak out the door for a cool down. I called Jason after I was a block away and told him I was taking a walk..... WoW! walking on frustration can increase your speed... I walked two miles and it actually felt great! (that's 4 miles total today!) The little boys agenda didn't help Jason, he left to go dream building. I got home and started cleaning up the water mess that we ignored for an hour or so. My parents made it over about an hour after that with an extractor, thanks to dad for the access he has to these things. He's always "to the rescue" for people. I finally got the kids in bed @ 8:45, all but the little ones. I laid down with them upstairs (T.V. Room) and watched a cartoon with them until they fell asleep. Then I went to bed... with a piece of CHOCOLATE! Well, that was my day!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 3

Today was a little off, Jason stayed home sick and that always throws me off focus because I am thinking about him and making sure he's comfortable while being sick. It's more like preoccupying my brain!! So, I woke up and got the kids off to school~ I made breakfast shakes for them. They wanted a ride today because it's cold outside so, I told them to zip up their jackets and don't be late!~mean mom~ :)
I accomplished some cooking for future meals and put them in the freezer~ I made some master mixes~ a meat sauce, meatballs, Italian sauce, and hot roll mix. That will save me time when I make dinner now. I have dinners for 2 weeks.
I went to the gym with Zach and Westin again today, walked 2 miles and sat in the "hot" room for 10 min. Weighed again and lost another pound!! I'm @ 8 lbs loss!! I know I really need to stick to my cleanse more strict, so I am making another gallon of it and I Will start tomorrow. I should be done on January 26th.
I had the two boys unload the dishwasher today while I was cooking and they did great! Westin climbed up onto the counter and told Zach to give him the cups.... Great teamwork! They deserved two cookies when they were done. ~ Good job boys!~
It was hard getting them to take a nap but, they did finally and I read some more of my book ~ I am now on Chapter five, I want to read more before bed too. I didn't get my CD in, I'll listen to one before bed. I'm blogging a little early because Jason will be home when I normally Blog and he'll want the Computer. So, I thought I would get a jump start.
I'm maintaining the kitchen and getting caught up on the laundry~ I just need to fold it now. LOL
I wanted to do the office today, I didn't get to it. So, tomorrow! :(

The older kids got home from school, Corey is struggling with effort so it's affecting his grades. Today he had homework and told me he was done. So, I let him go play with friends, only to find more homework in his back pack. He gets mad when I check his back pack, but I'm not mean about it, I just open it when he's not there. He's hitting his pre-teen and I want him to know that there are no secrets here and everything is open communication! At least between him and parents. You get the idea~
Keith and Amber read a book and went to play with friends, then they both did a chore and played with Zach and Westin. All in all, it was a good day.
Corey went to Scouts, Jason went to Justin & Kayla's, I made Sloppy Joe's for dinner using some of the meat sauce mix...yummmmmm!! and homemade rolls...and that's my day!
~ Good Night

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day 2

WoW!! What a day!!
I didn't do as much cleaning...but I maintained what I did yesterday so it was easier to clean as I went throughout the day.
I woke up, made breakfast for everybody~drank my body cleanse drink~, had family prayer and everyone was out the door! I worked on my blog for a little while, cleaned up after breakfast, and headed out to the GYM. Zach and Westin had a great time at the gym too. It was a great workout, I lost 2 lbs. since last week, that puts me at 7lbs total since I have been focusing on it.
Then, I went to the Dollar store and found some baskets for the office ( Randy Haugan's advice)... tomorrow I will get that room organized! Time goes by too fast sometimes!
I played with Zach and Westin and then they took a nap. I read some more of my book and the older kids came home~ Time to start on dinner~they did their homework and cleaned their rooms (w/bribe!) :) I made Amazing Homemade Pizza! I couldn't resist ... oops! (Will one meal hurt the cleanse?) ;o O'kay no more "cheating".
I did some "contacting" and we will see how that goes... the kids are in bed and I think mine is calling my name. I need to go early tonight.... My goal is no later than 11:00 during the week. :)
Sorry, no pics today.
I found a fun song: Five For Fighting: Disneyland, you have to listen to it, it's on my playlist somewhere.......

Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 1

I got up a little later than I wanted, but I accomplished a lot!!
I started cleaning the kitchen right away so, I made the kids eat food bars. I didn't want to cook or make another mess. They survived with that. And, WOW! I got them out the door by 8 O'clock! Yea!! I made them walk as usual but, it was cold this morning. That's what jackets are for.

So, I finished the kitchen around 1 PM. Long morning!! ....... While I was cleaning I took a break and read my book (the ant and the Elephant). Two Chapters later, the kids (Zach and Westin) were hungry. So I made them lunch and sent them out to play. Finished the Kitchen and called Kayla with pure joy that I accomplished something. A minute later I found Westin dumping the kitchen trash out onto the floor (carpet) in the office area (next to the kitchen). I had just mopped so I put the trash can out of the way while the floor dried. So, said good-bye to Kayla and cleaned up that mess.
When I was getting a towel out of our linen closet I noticed that it was a mes too. But, not any more~ I straightened that right up! Now it's 3 O'clock. Some friends called and needed a couple of haircuts~ kids got home from school at 3:15, friends came at 4:00 and stayed til 5:20 Jason got home and in the mean time dinner was cooking on the stove. We ate @ 6:15.
We had Family Home Evening ~ set goals with the kids for Report card Grades (fun fun). But they also have a challenge to keep their rooms clean for 100 days. Now, it's getting them clean. :) Kids went to bed, I ran to the Grocery store, and Jason on conference call... I joined as everyone was saying good~bye, sorry. I got home and Jason was talking to a contact on the phone and here I am typing this long day!
Here are some before and after....it helped me get it done, knowing that I was posting my dirty house, I had to make the results happen!
Now, I can go to bed happy! :)