We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 11

Zachary started school today!! He was really excited! When the bus got to our house he grad his backpack and ran out the door....Westin started crying and ran into his room...came out with his backpack and got on the bus too. It was a challenge to get him off, so I told him we would follow the bus to Zachy's school. That is when I took this picture... Zachary getting off the bus at his school.

He fell asleep on the way home...so cute!

Well, today was eventful...not enough time in the day. I sent out 40 e-mails and listened to 2 Cd's. I started reading the LLR book (from where I left off when I started it a couple of months ago). Tomorrow I can get back on track with my schedule... I need to workout for 4 1/2 hours to make up what I missed...maybe I'll do the gym and the park...want to come?!

I felt a little stressed until our ward missionaries came over to share a message about the atonement. I know my Savior suffered great pain for me and I need to remember that I am here to learn and teach. I need to be knowledgeable in the things I want to share with others... so my two books for this month are...The Book of Mormon and LLR. These to areas are what will help me get through this challenge and accomplish our goals. It turned out to be a beautiful day.

1 comment:

Kenyon said...

Oh you are so awesome Natalie...such a GREAT person. I am really proud of all your doing. 40 emails WOW, good job! I hope Zachary had a great first day of school:) He is SO cute.