We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 37

Well, I woke up with intensions to stick to my "ToDo List", but I already missed the first three items by waking up late... So I decided that I was going to do things different. We had a great morning, I made a good breakfast and got everyone out the door... I decided to go on a walk instead of the Gym. I had a movie to return to walgreens(redbox) so that's where we walked to first, then we went down Thomas Rd from power to Recker and went to a park more North on Recker. It has a "mery go round" and Zach and Westin loved it! No body was on the playground and there were a few elderly walking their dogs, what a beautiful day it was. So on the way home it was more muscle work due to the continuous incline since going to the park was all down hill. That made my day!! So I got home in time to make lunch and get Zach off to school. Westin didn't want to take a nap so, I ended up building a fort in his room and played with him all afternoon! We even made little ramps to ramp his "hotwheels". He just kept on asking me to play with him and we had a good time. He finally went down for a nap at 2:30 just in time for the older kids to get home from school and do homework and I decided to get dinner (tacos) done early today in time for Jason when he got home from work. I did manage to squeeze in some house work. Well, I am going to go read and go to bed early.. I have a lot I have to accomplish tomorrow... I have to get Corey's scout things together for his camp out this weekend too.
I know that Jason has been working hard and trying to improve continueously. We feel like we are playing tag or rather split roles just trying to keep things rolling this week. I sure love the guy! He definately has a focus goal and I admire everything he does for his family and myself.Well, til tomorrow~ Goodnight!

1 comment:

jkwilliams said...

It is amazing how much you accomplish. Don't write to much about all these home cooked meals because Justin doesn't get that and if he knew that Jason did I would be in trouble ;) So you are amazing. Can't wait for this weekend!!!
Justin and Kayla