We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Day 8

I didn't get much accomplished today as far as my goals go. Westin has been running a fever all day, he's getting his "big" teeth (back molars). Zachary starts school tomorrow and I'm trying to find his birth certificate and shot records, we still have our files in storage and some are here, so it's been fun looking for them. Of course I found everyone else's. I plan on finishing my book tonight, it's such a great book and it really helps put the perspective on achieving your dreams.
~that's it for today, good-night!

1 comment:

jkwilliams said...

I hope westin is feeling better that is no fun for anyone. I am excited for Zachary to start school that will be so good for him.