We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 20

Well, I got up at 5:00 and went to the Temple with Jason. We were tired but, we absolutely loved doing our work for the lord. We feel that we have been blessed with many things in our lives. We saw a few people from our old ward and it was nice to have a brief visit with them.

Corey's birthday party went really good and everyone had a fun time. I still can't believe how time goes when your first born ages you. :) He is such a fun loving bot and has a lot to offer his peers. I love hearing from our neighbors how thankful they were when Corey saw the need to help them. He helped a girl that fell down last week..... When our next door neighbor was pregnant and taking out the trash barrel to the street, Corey told her that she shouldn't do that while she was pregnant and took the barrel for her. He even offered to mow her lawn. He strugles with school academiccs from time to time, he just likes the fun hands on stuff. ;) But his teacher always gives him positive notes and always tells me that I have a very polite son. Yes, he is still a boy that loves the outdoors and playing video games, and gets up set from time to time as well. What can I say?

Happy Birthday Corey!!

I didn't get mucch rest today~ but it was a great day. We met with Rob and Justin for some PDCA and contacting information. That went great... then we went out with Justin and Kayla for some video gaming at a gaming store~ Fun Fun, not long enough! :)
Then we headed over to R N R for a house plan for Peter G. group that Rob presented and met some fun people. (Waymon and Irene).
Now we are home and time for bed!! We have 8 AM church. And it's Fast Sunday!!
~Good night~

1 comment:

Kenyon said...

I was sad to miss Corey's party but glad to hear it was so much fun. 5am to go to the temple...WOW, good job, I am inspired. You are great!