We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 5

What an Awesome DAY!

Usual morning... fed kids and Jason, family prayer, and off to work and school. I got ready for the day and Zach & Westin actually played while I was doing so. I took them to my Mom's house so that I could go to a meeting at the pre-school Zachary will be going to. I met his teacher and we discussed the game plan for his speech therapy. I am really excited for him and he has been non-stop talking about going to school. He starts on Tues. (I'm happy/sad, you know what I mean) On Thursday he will start riding a small bus, he's really excited about that. When I drove school buses I would stop at my moms house in between routes and let him and Westin on the bus. (my mom watched them when I was working.) So he really is excited. He like to sing "The Wheels on the Bus...". I listened to a CD whenever I was in my car today.
So, I visited with my mom and then went home, she kept the two little ones. It was 2 O'clock when I got home so, I read my book and got ready for the Open House at Rock'n R Ranch w/ Manase Fotu. The kids got home, did some light chores, Jason got home and changed his clothes, and we were off to my mom and dads house. We ate dinner with them and talked to my mom about the website and left her a sign-up form.:) We were off to the Open House and it was phenomenal!! We enjoyed talking to Menase and all of our friends. We left, picked up the kids, and got home around 2 A.M. I went to bed while Jason stayed up until 4 A.M.
No Gym today, but I accomplished three visits this week!

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