We Can Accomplish Anything We Want! Just Do It!! Stop Thinking About It!! Jump In And Enjoy The Challenges!! You Learn From Your Mistakes, Knock Down That Wall!! I Know I Am A Winner!! I have A Dream!! And You Are In It!! We Can Do It!!!

100 day run goal....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 19

Kayla, My Caffeine Patch Is Running Low.... ; o p

I had a busy day!! I was up last night with Westin and then I couldn't go back to sleep~ Crazy!! I had two hours of sleep and I'm still going for a few more minutes! I met with my "financial counselor" today and she helped me more than she may realize...:) TY..... I have a lot of goals to hit in that area. (Don't we all !?) Well, things are definitely looking brighter though. I listened to a Cd and I'm done with my book!
Also, I have been planning Corey's 11th birthday party for tomorrow. I can't believe I have a child that age! He went to his first "Body Changing" class yesterday and we had a brief talk. He was shy and embarrass, but all they really talk about was personal hygiene. Now I don’t know if I am ready for this pre-teen thing yet. Well, “wake up because it’s coming and it ain’t stoppin!” I kept saying that to myself these last two days.
I have been up way too long and I can’t even think right now. I have to get up at 5:00 to go on a date with Jason to the Temple and then get things ready for Corey~ another busy day.
Well, Good-night and Sleep Tight!!

1 comment:

jkwilliams said...

I love the pic. I am so excited for you guys. You are on the right path you are making things happen. You are putting everything in motion for a huge explosion. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!